Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Nickolai Berkoff (PhD Applied Mathematics) Nickolai Berkoff PhD Applied Mathematics
Noel lee Noël Lee Actuarial Mathematics BSc British
Poppy Starling, Financial Mathematics BSc student Poppy Starling Financial Mathematics BSc
Shakeel Kathrada Shakeel Kathrada Financial Mathematics BSc Mauritian/British
Yanlan Zhang Yanlan Zhang Data Science and Analytics MSc
Photo Zeya Lwin Tun Data Science and Analytics MSc Singaporean
Headshot of Zeyana sitting in a lecture theatre Zeyana Al-Brashdi Statistics MSc
Zhengzheng Zhang studied for a PhD in Statistics at the University of Leeds Zhengzheng Zhang PhD in Statistics