School of Mathematics

Solar storms provide new insights for archaeology and environmental science

Recent discoveries of extreme ancient solar storms have the potential to revolutionise radiocarbon dating techniques and better understand the Earth's system.

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Artist illustration of events on the sun changing the conditions in Near-Earth space.
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“world-leading” or “internationally excellent”

Submitted research – REF 2021


in the world

QS World University Rankings 2025


award for our commitment to gender equality

Athena SWAN Charter

We have an expert team, which supports our academics to exchange vital knowledge and experience with industry and other organisations.

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We have a dedicated Employability Team that provide businesses with access to our talented students through a range of services.

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We deliver events and activities to showcase this fascinating subject area to students at schools and colleges across the UK.

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The University community is made up of a wide range of people with diverse backgrounds and circumstances, which we value and regard as a great asset.

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