Research and innovation

Study reveals mystery of decaying planetary orbits

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Jupiter appearing to draw light and energy away from the sun
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Tracking extreme weather

Professor Doug Parker is working with the Met Office to use crowd-sourced data to track storms and extreme weather

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thunder, lightning, storm, research, innovation, maths, Doug Parker
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Solar weather predictions

Professor Steven Tobias is refining crucial solar weather predictions for a NASA panel

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Sun fluid
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Research and Innovation

We carry out world-leading research in the mathematical sciences and are one of the largest Schools of Mathematics in the UK. Our success is built on a strong community of excellent researchers working across a diverse spectrum of research fields. Our research combines a core mathematical focus with a strong interdisciplinary ethos spanning our three major themes: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics, which form three seperate departments.

Each department is further structured into research groups, jointly running seminars with external speakers, reading groups, and conferences. We also run weekly seminars with speakers from within the School, other departments at the University and external organisations. Visitors are hosted in our purpose-built Research Visitors Centre.

As an interdisciplinary university, we have strong links with Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics, the Astbury Centre for Structural Biology and the Bragg Centre for Materials Research. We are a partner of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.


“world-leading” or “internationally excellent”

Submitted research – REF 2021

Over 110

academic and research staff

working with over 75 PhD researchers to deliver high-impact research


of impact case studies are

“world-leading” or “internationally excellent” – REF 2021

Research areas

We are one of the largest pure mathematics groups in the UK. Research areas include: algebra, differential geometry, analysis and mathematical logic.

More on Pure mathematics

Our research is concerned with solving challenging equations that describe interesting and important problems. We work with many other disciplines across the University.

More on Applied mathematics

Our research covers both theoretical and applied statistics and probability. We have world-leading expertise in shape analysis and related areas.

More on Statistics

Collaborate with us

Access office accommodation, computer facilities and services including our video conferencing facility to share live maths postgraduate lectures.

More on Research Visitors Centre

Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for you to access to our world-leading knowledge, facilities, expertise and technologies.

More on Working with Business