Probability and financial mathematics

Our research focuses on the study and modelling of systems and processes featuring uncertainty and complexity.
These have applications in economics and finance, insurance, big data, earth science, energy and physics. The methods and tools we use come from probability theory, stochastic analysis, statistics and machine learning.
We are engaged in collaborative work with academia and industry across engineering, power system management, investment management, predictive analytics, software development.
Our research interests
Stochastic control, optimal stopping and stochastic games.
Forward and backward stochastic differential equations and stochastic partial differential equations.
Numerical methods for stochastic control, stochastic differential equations and (stochastic) partial differential equations.
- Risk theory and extreme value analysis.
Mathematical finance and economics, including portfolio management, derivative pricing and hedging, and evolutionary finance.
Energy markets and scheduling.
Physics, including transport-diffusion phenomena and atmospheric dynamics.
Actuarial mathematics, including modelling and pricing in insurance.
Online forecasting of extremes in nonstationary data streams, with applications in finance, banking, air quality and environmental risks, health etc. Building on the group’s research, a new University start-up “4-Xtra Technologies Limited” was recently incorporated.
Conferences and events
All upcoming seminars can be found on our events section.
We actively organise conferences and scientific meetings, and have organised a number of prestigious events; some of which include:
- Stochastic Analysis of Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Control and Games (October 2016)
- Conference on stochastic control, ambiguity and games (September 2017)
- BSDEs, Information and McKean-Vlasov equations (September 2018)
- Second Leeds Meeting on Stochastic Control and Games under Ambiguity (April 2019)
- Leeds Winter School on Theory and Practice of Optimal Stopping and Free Boundary Problems (January 2020)
- Stochastic processes & Their friends (March 2021)
- Beyond the Boundaries New Directions in Financial & Actuarial Mathematics (May 2021)
For a full list of past events please visit our events directory and specifiy the year using the search tool.
Further information
View all members of our research group and publications.
PhD projects
We have opportunities for prospective postgraduate researchers. Find out more.
Contact us
If you are interested in collaborating with us or joining our research team, please get in touch with a relevant member of staff.