Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Student Amélie Davies in front of sustainable mural Amélie Davies Mathematics MMath, BSc
Charlotte Sandell Charlotte Sandell Mathematics BSc British
Dalip Bhadare studied BSc Mathematics with Finance (International) at the University of Leeds Dalip Bhadare Financial Mathematics BSc (International)
Hanna soodeen Hanna Soodeen Financial Mathematics BSc Mauritian
Jonathan Sisa Khabusi wearing a jumper, standing in front of a lake at roundhay park Jonathan Sisa Khabusi Actuarial Mathematics BSc
Merion flower sitting in a lecture theatre wearing a black jumper Merion Flower Mathematics and Statistics BSc
Naomi Woerlen Naomi Woerlen Economics & Mathematics BSc (Industrial) British/German
Nathan Burudi headshot Nathan Burudi Economics and Mathematics BSc
Noel lee Noël Lee Actuarial Mathematics BSc British
Poppy Starling, Financial Mathematics BSc student Poppy Starling Financial Mathematics BSc