Muyou Li
- Course: Mathematics MSc
Muyou Li is currently studying Mathematics MSc at the University of Leeds.
A wide range of modules
Muyou decided to study mathematics at Leeds because he liked the wide range of modules available. He said: “The University of Leeds offers a flexible Mathematics MSc program that allows students to take any combination of pure, applied, and statistics modules.”
He loves maths because it can be applied to so many different industries, he said: “Mathematics presents fundamental truths and can be applied almost anywhere. Unlike most empirical sciences where it is challenging to keep up with new discoveries and theories, Mathematics once established is seldom altered. Hence, most of the Mathematics we learn will remain useful throughout our lives.”
Leeds offers a flexible Mathematics MSc program that allows students to take any combination of pure, applied, and statistics modules.
“I have enjoyed the module Advanced Dynamical Systems the most. The module consists of both lectures and independent research. My project was complex dynamics, for which I studied the beautiful fractals of the Julia set and the Mandelbrot set.”
Student societies: Chess Club and Argentine Tango
Muyou has got involved in student life, spending time on campus and joining societies. He said: “Almost every building on campus has unique and interesting architecture. My favourite is the Brotherton Library. Most of the interior design of the Brotherton Library is classical and wooden but a part of the space is so modern that it feels like an art museum.”
“I am involved in the chess club and the local Argentine Tango community. Every week, the chess club has a casual gathering at the cosy Old Bar and a competitive meeting. It is quite enjoyable to play chess while having some beverages and snacks at the bar.”
Future career goals
After Muyou finishes his Master’s degree, he plans to “work as a quantitative trader or quantitative developer in London. I believe my Mathematical and programming skills will be most appreciated in the quantitative finance industry.”
I believe my Mathematical and programming skills will be most appreciated in the quantitative finance industry.