Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Gareth Allen Gareth Allen Civil and Structural Engineering (Industrial) MEng British
Georgina Buffham Georgina Buffham Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng British
Hannah Robinson, Civil and Environmental Engineering Hannah Robinson Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng British
Harriet Peel, School of Civil Engineering Harriet Peel Robotics PhD British
Ji Young Yoon	- headshot of alumni Ji Young Yoon MSc Engineering Management South Korean
Profile picture of Joe Ukpata Joseph Ukpata Civil Engineering PhD Nigerian
Mariana Vieira Turnell Suruagy Mariana Vieira Turnell Suruagy Adding heat to the digestate: Alternative route to eliminating the digestate and recovering valuable compounds Brazilian and British (Dual Nationality)
Image of megan shave Megan Shave Civil Engineering, MEng, BEng British
Meng Li Meng Li Architecture and urbanism PhD Chinese
Postgraduate researcher Mubarak Shamaki Mubarak Shamaki Civil engineering materials PhD Nigerian
Oladipo adewale Oladipo Adewale Civil Engineering PhD Nigerian
Oldouz Payan Oldouz Payan Civil Engineering PhD Persian
Rithik Jai Chand Rithik Jai Chand Architecture BEng, MEng British - Hindu
Saleh Al Haddad Saleh Al Haddad PhD in Civil engineering Kuwaiti
Sam Dapling Sam Dapling Civil and Structural Engineering MEng British
Sarah Sarah Birchall Civil Engineering PhD British
Sean Martin Architecture student Sean Martin Architecture MEng British
Image of Environmental Engineering and Project Management MSc student Shamiso Shamiso Masuka Environmental Engineering and Project Management MSc
Profile image of Civil postgraduate student Sulaiman Kattoub Sulaiman Kattoub Structural Engineering MSc
Suraj Adedamola Rahmon Suraj Adedamola Rahmon Civil engineering materials PhD Nigerian