
Our facilities in the School of Civil Engineering will equip you with hands-on experience and give a solid understanding of how to use industry-recognised equipment. This means you can confidently take the next steps in industry or further study when you graduate.
Professional learning environments
Practical sessions give all civil engineering students the opportunity to use surveying equipment.
Our structures and materials labs are equipped with rigs for the full-scale performance of structures. Undergraduate students use this space for team project work, such as the timber truss project in year one.
Our specialist geotechnics laboratory enables students to investigate the behaviour of soil in various environments, which undergraduate students access during group practical sessions.
Undergraduate and Masters students can access a range of facilities to support public health research, such as:
- separate areas for water and wastewater, including:
- experimental rigs
- a class II microbiology lab
- a clean laboratory for molecular biology work
- a class II Aerobiology chamber.
Our state-of-the-art equipment for solid waste management includes a building physics lab used to study different aspects of building performance, and a specialist rig to investigate civil engineering flows. Undergraduate students will access these laboratories during their final-year project.
You will use this space for team project work such as the timber truss undergraduate project in year one.
Architecture design studio
Our architecture and architectural engineering students undertake project work in a flexible, collaborative and interactive architecture design studio. You’ll have access to industry standard software such as:
- Revit (Building Information Modelling)
- IES (dynamic thermal modelling)
- Robot (structural analysis)
- Adobe Creative Suite
Lecture theatres that optimise your learning
You’ll learn through a combination of taught and practical sessions, with access to the following facilities:
- Two large and accessible modern lecture theatres
- Multiple seminar rooms for teaching smaller classes and undertaking group meetings
- Latest audio-visual technology and presentation equipment
- Open-plan lecture theatres where seating can be rearranged for different activities like problem-based tutorials, working in teams and design space
- Lecture capture recording that enables you to watch presentations back after they have happened.
Study facilities that support your work
From 24-hour computer clusters, libraries and silent study areas when you need to finish an assignment without interruptions to interactive spaces, cafes and group rooms for collaborative project work — there’s always somewhere to go on campus to suit your study preference.