PhD students
Current PhD students (by starting year)
- Constance Bromham (A Karagila, AD Brooke-Taylor)
- Joshua Losh (VL Mantova, P Eleftheriou)
- Hope Duncan (A Karagila, AD Brooke-Taylor)
- Giorgio Genovesi (P Shafer)
- Angus Matthews (VL Mantova, P Eleftheriou, HD Macpherson)
- Ben De Smet (P Eleftheriou, VL Mantova)
- Stuart Green (HD Macpherson, VL Mantova)
- Mervyn Tong (P Eleftheriou, VL Mantova)
- Shuwei Wang (M Rathjen, P Shafer)
- Thomas Bernert (HD Macpherson, VL Mantova)
- Calliope Ryan-Smith (A Karagila, AD Brooke-Taylor, VL Mantova)
- Shuangshuang Shu (A Karagila, M Rathjen, P Shafer)
- Alexandra Pestana Policarpo De Gouveia (AD Brooke-Taylor, A Karagila)
Past PhD students (by graduation year)
- Pietro Freni (VL Mantova, HD Macpherson): Structural Investigations in some Classes of o-minimal Fields
- Luca Mesiti (N Gambino (Manchester), M Rathjen): Aspects of 2-dimensional elementary topos theory
- Ibrahim Mohammed (VL Mantova, HD Macpherson): Countless Contractions
- Aris Papadopoulos (P Eleftheriou, HD Macpherson): Model-theoretic considerations in finite combinatorics
- Andrew Slattery (N Gambino (Manchester), AD Brooke-Taylor): Commutativity of Relative Pseudomonads
- Matteo Spadetto (N Gambino, F Olimpieri, M Rathjen): On the syntax and the semantics of propositional dependent type theories
- Bea Adam-Day (AD Brooke-Taylor, HD Macpherson): Indestructibility and C(n)-supercompact cardinals
- Rory Ainslie (HD Macpherson, VL Mantova): Definable Sets in Finite Structures
- Francesco Paolo Gallinaro (VL Mantova, HD Macpherson): Around exponential-algebraic closedness
- Bjarki Benediktsson (HD Macpherson, I Adler): Model-theoretic methods for algorithmically tame graph classes
- Gabriele Lobbia (N Gambino): Pseudomonads, Relative Monads and Strongly Finitary Notions of Multicategory
- Richard Matthews (AD Brooke-Taylor, M Rathjen): Large Cardinals in Weakened Axiomatic Theories
- Giovanni Soldà (P Shafer, M Rathjen): Calibrating the complexity of combinatorics: reverse mathematics and Weihrauch degrees of some principles related to Ramsey’s theorem
- Milette Gillow (JK Truss): Results on the Generalised Shift Graph
- Rosario Mennuni (HD Macpherson, VL Mantova): Invariant types in model theory