Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Omar Choudhry Computer Science BSc British/Irish
Paulina Pawlak Paulina Pawlak Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MEng, BEng Polish
Saile Villegas Saile Villegas Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) MSC Mexican
School of Computing student profile photo Sarthak Dallakoti Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc Nepalese
Tian zeng Tian Zeng High Performance Graphics and Game Engineering MSc Chinese
Robotics Wisdom Chukwunwike Agboh PhD in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Nigerian
Xue Sun Xue Sun Machine learning PhD Chinese
Yunjie Zhu Case Study profile photo Yunjie Zhu Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc Chinese