Bio-mechatronics and robotics

We are researching into bio-mechatronic and robotic solutions in new and challenging scenarios. We have developed surgical devices to radically enhance surgical possibilities whilst minimising patient trauma, created medical rehabilitation devices that are under trial in Hospitals across the UK, developed robotic systems to explore the ancient pyramids of Giza, are researching into a new understanding of how humans grasp and manipulate objects, and have developed new concepts for lower limb prosthetics.
We use an applied multi-disciplinary approach that pushes the boundaries of robotic technology and impacts upon wider society through specific application. Our research is supported by the EPSRC National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems.
Research areas include:
- Exploration robotics
- Rehabilitation technologies and prosthetics
- Surgical technologies.
Further information
View all members of our research group and publications.
PhD projects
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Contact us
If you are interested in collaborating with us or joining our research team, please get in touch with a relevant member of staff.