Research highlights

We focus on studying the interface processes that define friction and wear performance of engineering systems, such as:
- pistons and cylinder liner contacts in car engines
- interfaces between the turbine blade and the casing in an aircraft engine
- brakes and bearings
- artificial hip joints
- surfaces between the tool and workpiece in metal grinding and forming.
Research highlights include:
- Robust experimentation that advances understanding of surface-surface interactions in arduous conditions
- Development of models that describe friction, wear and lubrication of non-ferrous materials such as DLCs, Al-Si alloys and other coatings
- Development of a multiscale numerical models that couple mechanical and chemical effects
- Experimental capability to test the hydrogen diffusion in steel from oil lubricated tribological systems
- An enhanced understanding of the degradation mechanisms occurring on implantable metallic devices. This includes the development of novel tribocorrosion simulation models for bearing and modular interface found in total hip replacements
- Novel gel coatings for enhanced lubricity and trauma for devices in contact with soft tissues. This includes synthesis and characterisation of surfaces.