
Results 831 to 835 of 1121 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

More than 100 maths communicators from around the world joined us for this year's MATRIX conference, which was co-organised by our School of Mathematics.

Professor Basheer invited as guest speaker at national concrete day event.

Professor Basheer, School of Civil Engineering has been invited to attend the Indian Concrete Institute's annual concrete day celebrations as chief guest.

Never repeating patterns

Prof Rucklidge and Dr Subramanian from the School, along with colleagues from other institutions, have created a model to help explain the mathematics behind the 'impossible' never-repeating patterns.

Dr Martin Lopez Garcia

Dr Martin Lopez Garcia has been awarded a Vincent Caselles prize by the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society, the FBBVA and the Government of Spain for his pioneering and influential doctoral work.

SWJTU Launch

The first cohort of Chinese engineering students will soon begin studying at the University of Leeds and Southwest Jiaotong University Joint School, following a welcome ceremony taking place today.