Best Paper Award for Dr Hamish Carr

Dr Hamish Carr, Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing, has received the ‘Best Paper Award’ at the Large Data Analysis, and Visualization (LDAV) symposium in Baltimore.
The 'Best Paper Award' for 'Parallel Peak Pruning for Scalable SMP Contour Tree Computation', has co-authors from Berkeley Lab and Los Alamos National Laboratory - Gunther Weber, Chris Sewell and James Ahrens.
LDAV is a major symposium held as part of IEEE Visualization conference 2016 (IEEE VIS 2016), focussing on the challenge of operating analysis on massive volumes of data.
At IEEE VIS 2016, Dr Hamish Carr also received the award for the ‘Best Scientific Visualization Paper’ for 'Jacobi Fiber Surfaces for Bivariate Reeb Space Computation', Julien Tierny and Hamish Carr.