
Results 56 to 60 of 269 in Research and innovation

Exterior night shot of Worsley Building, home to the Faculty of Biological Sciences

Scientists plan to develop technology to isolate and extract fragments of a "rogue" protein linked to diabetes.

Professor Helen Gleeson

A School of Physics professor who discovered materials which could make real life holograms a possibility has been awarded a £1.6m research Fellowship to delve deeper into how they work.

Diagram explaining the 'scan to damage assessment' prpcess

Researchers have developed algorithms capable of automatically generating the geometric digital twins of existing masonry structures for documentation and assessment of their structural capacity.

Pile of plastic rubbish in Taiwan

The world is facing a growing waste problem, with 2bn tonnes produced last year alone. Is it possible to clean up this mess by turning trash into cash?

Logo of Marie Sklowowska-Curie Actions - Research Fellowship programme

Dr Geeta Sharma, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship.