Athena SWAN Silver Success for the Faculty of Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering has received a prestigious Athena SWAN Silver Award from the Equality Challenge Unit, the national body that promotes equality in the higher education sector.
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Award
Professor William Crawley-Boevey has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship after being nominated by Bielefeld University, Germany.
Study reveals low density water structure in a cryoprotectant matrix
Scientists from the School of Physics and Astronomy have determined the impact of cryoprotectant molecules on water, and gained access to the structure of water at temperatures far below zero degrees.
Leeds scientist wins international grant to fund research into sustainable chemical processes
Professor John Blacker, from the Institute of Process Research and Development, has received a $50,000 grant from the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute Pharmaceutical Roundtable.
Product design graduates win university business award
Two Product Design graduates have won first prize in the University of Leeds Business Plan Competition for their new specialist branding and marketing company, Eat Fish Design.