
Results 766 to 770 of 1121 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Professor Pietro Valdastri, Chair of Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Pietro Valdastri, Professor and Chair of Robotics and Autonomous Systems in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, has been awarded a Challenge Grant for 2016 by the Royal Society.

The University of Leeds' biggest ever recruitment drive continues with a range of new University Academic Fellowship opportunities now available.

Gareth Allen

Students at the University of Leeds are now the fifth most targeted in the UK by leading employers, including top companies from the engineering and IT sectors.

University of Leeds Careers Centre

A new report from High Fliers Research has ranked Leeds graduates as the 5th most targeted by the top UK graduate recruiters, an improvement of five places on 2016.

The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) has awarded Prof. Jim Guthrie a Gold medal 'for outstanding contributions to education and industry in the fields of polymer and colour sciences’.

The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) has awarded Prof. Jim Guthrie a Gold medal 'for outstanding contributions to education and industry in the fields of polymer and colour sciences’.