New £10m plan steered by Medical Technologies IKC
Solving challenges to bring new medical technologies in Yorkshire to the marketplace is the focus of a new partnership led by Leeds’ Dr Josephine Dixon-Hardy and Professor John Fisher.
Join the School of Computing at EGX Rezzed, London’s biggest games event
Fantastic networking opportunities, advice from industry experts, and the most exclusive gaming insights are essential when launching the ideal career – and EGX Rezzed brings these together.
Leeds students present their research at the National Natural Sciences Student Conference
Three final year MNatSc, BSc Natural Sciences students attended the Second National Natural Sciences Student Conference at Lancaster University on 27 and 28 March 2018.
Professor John Plane leads research into Mars carbon dioxide ice clouds
For more than two decades, rovers and orbiters have captured images of wispy clouds made of carbon dioxide ice.
Team wins ‘Best Student Paper Award’ at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics
Professor Pietro Valdastri from the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and his team have been awarded the ‘Best Student Paper Award’ at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics.