Centre for Computational Engineering

We cover a wide range of research involving the development and application of advanced computational methods.
With more than 30 researchers, our expertise range from fundamental algorithm development (underpinned by rigorous mathematics and computer science) through to software development, testing and application across diverse problem domains. By working together, through the Centre, we aim to ensure that our research, and that of our collaborators, will have a major impact in addressing the emerging engineering challenges that are faced by global society.
Our research areas include:
Fundamental methodology
- Computational methods and optimization
- High performance computing
- Multiscale, multiphysics and multiphase coupling
- Visualisation and image-based modelling
- Artificial intelligence, big data and robotics
Engineering applications
- Materials and structures
- Manufacturing
- Aerospace and transport
- Tribology
- Medical engineering
- Energy and environmental engineering
Contact us
If you would like to discuss an area of research in more detail please contact: Dr Amir Khan or Dr David Head.
View all members of the Centre for Computational Engineering.