
Results 651 to 655 of 1197 in all schools

Atmospheric detection equipment.

Two School of Chemistry students are celebrating after winning Beaumont Awards, which are presented to students whose final year projects display the greatest potential to have an impact on society.

Samantha Pugh

Excellent student support, demonstrated by Dr Samantha Pugh, was praised at the Leeds Partnership Awards. She received the award for encouraging students to excel in their studies.

Some blackcurrants, yesterday.

Natural dyes extracted from blackcurrant waste created during Ribena manufacture have for the first time been used in an effective new hair dyeing technology, developed at the University of Leeds.

University of Leeds students

The University of Leeds has moved into the Guardian University Guide top ten for the first time, jumping four places and rising for the fourth consecutive year.

all schools news archive | Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences | University of Leeds

The School of Chemistry achieved an outstanding result in the latest Guardian University league tables 2019, published on May 29th.