Can human intuition outperform quantum computers?
Physics student Cameron Calcluth has created a game that tests whether the human mind can outperform quantum computers.
School Physicist of the Year Award by The Ogden Trust and the University of Leeds
The University of Leeds are proud to present the The Ogden Trust’s School Physicist of the Year (SPotY) award
Transport Secretary’s HS2 decision boosts new rail institute
A Government announcement has unlocked the potential of the University’s new institute for high speed rail.
Aviation technology student awarded scholarship which lets her fly aircraft solo
Annie Cleve is currently in her first year of Aviation Technology at the University of Leeds, and has received a flying scholarship which has let her take to the skies solo for the first time.
Research into robots that can repair roads shortlisted for prestigious award
Robots that 3D-print asphalt into cracks in roads, before they become potholes, could radically change the way streets are repaired and increase quality of life for future citizens.