
Results 471 to 475 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Engineering and Physical Sciences employability team

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Employability Team have been named one of the Best Employability Services in the country at the National Undergraduate Employability (NUE) Awards 2019.

Employability awards

The Engineering and Mathematics and Physical Sciences Employability Team has been named one of the Best Employability Services in the country at the National Undergraduate Employability awards.

Dr Abhijit Mitra

Optical networks professional Dr Mitra, a former Leeds MSc (Eng) student, was awarded by the British Council for his outstanding research contribution to the India-UK collaboration since graduating.

University of Leeds engineering and technology site

Leeds City Council’s Plans Panel has given the green light to support the University’s application to develop a site that will host large-scale research and experimental facilities.

Jennifer Spragg and MP Stephen Metcalfe

Postgraduate researcher in bioenergy, Jennifer Spragg has produced a report to help UK parliamentarians make evidence-based decisions on chemical weapons policy.