
Results 451 to 455 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Hand writing equations on a whiteboard

A University Academic Fellow at the School of Mathematics has received a prestigious award from the London Mathematical Society.

Magnetic Flexible Endoscope

The Magnetic Flexible Endoscope, a device which can painlessly examine a human colon to detect signs of disease, was praised at a principal surgical robotics competition last week.

Drax Power Station.

A spin out company from the School of Chemistry has received Government funding to extend its pioneering work in carbon capture technology.

Design and manufacture module winners

As part of their second year project, Temerarious Turbine, a team of six Mechanical Engineering students designed and built a turbine wheel to generate electricity and won £500 to share between them.

Students using electron microscopes in chemical engineering

Join us in celebrating International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) on Sunday 23 June by taking a look at the fantastic achievements of women across our Schools.