
Results 281 to 285 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

The interior of a nuclear power station

A test rig to help the nuclear industry design new reactors, decommission old ones and better dispose of waste from nuclear reprocessing is to be built at the University.

Motorcycle taxi

A new study suggests that affordable plastic shields reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection for passengers on motorcycle taxis.

Drugs developed within the pharmaceutical industry, guided by advances in medicinal chemistry

New research has identified a way of using nanoclusters to bolster waning antibiotics.

A logo for Times Higher Education (THE) on a white background. The logo is THE in capital letter, T is red, H is purple and E is blue.

The Times Higher Education (THE) has announced its World Subject Rankings for 2022 and Leeds has been placed top 100 in the world for Engineering. 

Glass composite

Cracked phone screens could become a thing of the past thanks to breakthrough research by a global team of scientists.