
Results 636 to 640 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Engineering Employability Team

The Faculty of Engineering Employability Team have been shortlisted in the National Undergraduate Employability (NUE) Awards 2017 for the ‘Best University Placement Service’.

A petri dish containing a growth medium on which Escherichia coli (E.coli) is growing.

Research led by Dr Michael Webb (School of Chemistry) has found that an antibiotic candidate compound shelved in the 1970s in favour of more promising drugs could be worth a second look.

Inaugral Physics and Astronomy sixth-form conference

More than 100 A-level students experienced new and exciting areas of Physics research when they visited the School of Physics and Astronomy in December.

Lord Prior of Brompton and Ruth Wilcox

Research into innovative medical technologies, spanning the Faculties of Engineering and Biological Sciences, has been recognised in the Government’s Industrial Strategy Life Sciences Sector Deal.

Predicted binding of risperidone to 17-HSD10: (a) overlay of risperidone (cyan), RM-532-46 (green) and NAD co-factor (orange), modelled in the active site of 17-HSD10 (PDB-ID: 1U7T)

Scientists from the Universities of Leeds and Warwick and ValiRx plc have found that VAL401, a formulation of the antipsychotic drug risperidone in rumenic acid, has promising anti-cancer effects.