International Society Fellowship recognition for Professor Cath Noakes
In recognition of her contributions to indoor air research, Professor Cath Noakes has been conferred as a Fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.
Photo-tautomerization study increases accuracy of atmospheric models
New findings help to close the gap between predicted and recorded concentrations of organic acids in the troposphere.
53 ways we are tackling global challenges
The University of Leeds has been ranked in the top three UK universities for global funding success, according to new data from Research Fortnight.
Can human intuition outperform quantum computers?
Physics student Cameron Calcluth has created a game that tests whether the human mind can outperform quantum computers.
School Physicist of the Year Award by The Ogden Trust and the University of Leeds
The University of Leeds are proud to present the The Ogden Trust’s School Physicist of the Year (SPotY) award