
Results 901 to 905 of 1114 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Dr Paul Collier, Head of Beams at CERN was the School of Physics and Astronomy’s invited speaker to give a Stoner Colloquium.

Employability suite

The Faculty of Engineering Employability team have been shortlisted for two categories in the National Undergraduate Employability (NUE) Awards 2016.

Marks & Spencer Product Design Winner

Product Design students in the School of Mechanical Engineering have presented their work to managers from Marks and Spencer in a design competition project set by the retail giants.

Johnny Mowlem

World renowned sports car driver and former student of the University of Leeds, Johnny Mowlem, will visit the Leeds Formula Student Racing team on Wednesday 25 November. 

Dr. Velis Global Waste

The management of waste on a global scale is the subject of a new report Global Waste Management Outlook which Dr Costas Velis, from Civil Engineering, and his team played a key role in producing.