
Results 886 to 890 of 1114 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Josh Cottom research

Postgraduate researcher Josh Cottom has received the prestigious ‘Recognition of Research Excellence’ award from The Graduate Board’s Examinations Group.

A photograph of four people stood looking at an image via virtual microscope technology.

The healthcare company Roche has acquired the intellectual property and technology of the Leeds Virtual Microscope (LVM), an innovative system designed to help pathologists making cancer diagnoses.

National Employability Awards

The Faculty of Engineering won the Most Improved Commitment to Employability Award at this year’s National Undergraduatate Employability Awards.

A £200,000 grant secured from the Wellcome Trust will help to find drugs to cure the Ebola disease.

Robotic arm at Parliment

Mechanical Engineering student Menelaos Kanakis, has presented his final year research project “the Robotic arm”, part of the Project ALAN, at the Posters in Parliament event in London.