Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology 2025

Key dates and Downson Prize

Key Dates

  • Submission deadline of 1 page abstract for oral presentation: Monday 3 March 2025
  • Registration opens: Monday 7 April 2025
  • Notification to authors of oral abstract acceptance: Wednesday 30 April 2025 
  • Submission deadline of 1 page abstract for poster presentation: Monday 2 June 2025
  • Notification to authors of poster abstract acceptance: Wednesday 18 June 2025
  • Oral and poster presenters registration deadline: Monday 7 July 2025     
  • Conference registration closes: Friday 8 August 2025
  • Final submission deadline of paper to chosen journal*: Monday 29 September 2025

*unless the paper is a Dowson Prize application then the earlier date given below under ‘Dowson Prize’ applies (Wednesday 2 July).

Dowson Prize 
This prize was launched at the 35th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology in 2008 in honour of the lifetime achievements of Duncan Dowson and to inspire and reward outstanding young tribologists. The prize is awarded to the best paper and presentation by a young tribologist at the Symposium when hosted by Leeds as judged by an independent panel of experts. Entitled the “Dowson Prize” it essentially mirrors the remit of the “Maurice Godet Award” presented when the Symposium is held in Lyon.

The winner will be announced at the closing session of the Symposium on 4 September and will receive £1000 GBP and a copy of "The History of Tribology" by Duncan Dowson.  

The basic criteria are as follows:

  • The applicant must be a registered research student or within 3 years of graduation from a research degree.
  • The applicant must present the paper at the Symposium, either orally or as a poster.
  • The written paper must be submitted to at least one of the three journals (Tribology International, Journal of Engineering Tribology or Tribology — Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces) by x
    The applicant must notify the conference organisers by email to leeds-lyon@leeds.ac.uk of their application for the prize by the stated deadline. The email should contain their full name and affiliation, the title of the paper, list of authors and the journal to which it has been submitted.

Deadline for submissions: Wednesday 2 July 2025