27th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena

Sponsors and Exhibition

The RSC Gas Kinetics Group Committee is the Scientific Organising Committee of this Symposium, and the Group also acts as a sponsor.



Other sponsors and supporters  

CRC/ TRR 150 Logo Hamamatsu Logo
Laser 2000 logo Phototek Logo
Teledyne logo Edwards Logo
Kore logo Environmental science atmospheres logo
Alpers lasers logo  

Sponsorship opportunities

The 27th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena will bring together current and future leaders in the physical sciences at the University of Leeds between the 14th and 18th of July 2024. Attendees will have expertise across a range of disciplines, including atmospheric science, combustion, reaction dynamics, interstellar and planetary chemistry, heterogeneous and surface chemistry, and photochemistry. The five-day event offers exhibitors and sponsors the opportunity to develop relationships with scientists from Europe, the USA, and beyond.

There are many ways to support the event, with suggested opportunities listed below. We are always happy to discuss options to find the best match for the needs of your company or organisation.

All supporters will be acknowledged in the programme booklet and on the conference website.

Support for Young Scientists

  • Poster prizes
  • Best young oral presentation
  • Student travel bursaries

Exhibitor Stands

  • One day at conference venue
  • Two days at conference venue

Exhibitor stands at the conference venue will be located in the breakout area used for lunches and refreshment breaks.

Our key objective is to present a symposium of the highest standard, attracting younger researchers and scientists as well as long standing scientists in the field of gas kinetics and related phenomena, and financial support to help us achieve this is gratefully appreciated. We would be pleased to acknowledge sponsorship at the symposium.