Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
profile picture of joe thompson Joe Thompson Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem, BSc British
Joel Deladem Klo Joel Deladem Klo Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MSc Ghanaian
Johann Watson Johann Watson Mechanical Engineering PhD English
Jonathan Sisa Khabusi wearing a jumper, standing in front of a lake at roundhay park Jonathan Sisa Khabusi Actuarial Mathematics BSc
Image of Joseph Hughes Joseph Hughes Civil and Structural Engineering MEng, BEng British
Profile picture of Joe Ukpata Joseph Ukpata Civil Engineering PhD Nigerian
Julia Coggins Julia Coggins Theoretical Physics BSc British
Julia Gala De Pablo Julia Gala De Pablo Research Assistant (Physics) Spanish
Julia Gala De Pablo Julia Gala de Pablo Physics PhD Spanish
Julian Mak studied for a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Leeds Julian Mak Applied Mathematics PhD
PhD research in nuclear engineering, Julio Guiseppe Vazquez Chavez Julio Giuseppe Vazquez Chavez PhD in Nuclear Engineering Mexican
Jun Wai Kow Jun Wai Kow Mechatronics & Robotics Engineering MSc Malaysian
Justin Bergen standing in the yorkshire dales Justin Bergen Medicinal Chemistry MChem, BSc
Kaan Esedag, mechatronics and robotics Kaan Esendag Mechatronics and Robotics MEng, BEng Cypriot
profile picture of student kaif kutchwala Kaif Kutchwala Mechatronics and Robotics MEng, BEng Indian
Kalina case study hero image Kalina Nikolova Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Industrial) BSc Bulgarian
Image of PGR student karen arzate quintanilla presenting Karen Arzate Quintanilla Architecture PhD Mexican
Katie Marriott
Chemistry PhD Katie Marriott Chemistry PhD
profile picture of Kavandeep, mechatronics student Kavandeep Sandhu Mechatronics and Robotics MEng, BEng Tanzanian
Kent is wearing a suit and standing in front of a white background Kent Zijian Ng Chemical Engineering MEng, BEng Malaysia