Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
School of Computing case study Mustafa Adaoglu Computer Science (High Performance Graphics and Games Engineering) MEng, BSc Cypriot
Muyou Li, student ambassador, standing on campus Muyou Li Mathematics MSc
Nabila Rufa'l, research student from the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Leeds. Nabila Ahmed Rufa'i Renewable energy PhD Nigerian
Namrah Shahid Namrah Shahid Chemistry PhD British-Pakistani
Naomi Woerlen Naomi Woerlen Economics & Mathematics BSc (Industrial) British/German
Natalia koniuch Natalia Koniuch Chemical and Process Engineering PhD Polish
Natalia Wolfe Natalia Wolfe Chemical and Materials Engineering MEng, BEng Czech-American
Natalie Brown Natalie Brown Physics MPhys British
Natasha Murphy 
Chemistry PhD Natasha Murphy Chemistry PhD
Nathan Burudi headshot Nathan Burudi Economics and Mathematics BSc
A portrait of Nelly Sadarova. Nelly Sadarova Physics MPhys, BSc British
PhD in Inorganic Chemistry Nichola Cosgrove Inorganic Chemistry PhD
Nickolai Berkoff (PhD Applied Mathematics) Nickolai Berkoff PhD Applied Mathematics
profile image of alumni nicola peree who graduated in 2020 with a BSc in Chemistry and Mathematics Nicola Perree Chemistry and Mathematics BSc British
profile image of Nikolaos sotiriou Nikolaos Sotiriou Engineering, Technology and Business Management MSc (Eng) Greek
Nivedah Kuganenderan Nivedah Kuganenderan PhD in Biotribology British
Noe Peckham Noe Peckham Chemical and Nuclear Engineering MEng, BEng British
Noel lee Noël Lee Actuarial Mathematics BSc British
Nor Azimah Binti Abdul Basir Nor Azimah Binti Abdul Basir Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng, BEng Malaysian
Nur Ramli, MEng Chemical Engineering undergraduate in the Faculty of Engineering. Nur Hanina Binti Ramli Chemical Engineering MEng Malaysian