Resource list
To help you prepare for studying in the School of Chemistry, we have gathered together some resources which you may find interesting and informative. However, there is no pre-requisite reading that needs to be done.
Online resources
There are excellent online resources that introduce many topics relevant to our courses available via:
- STEM Learning
- Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry: Making a Difference
- Royal Society of Chemistry’s Education website
- Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry Olympiad past papers
Short online courses
Research and Innovation at the University
- Atmospheric, Planetary and Theoretical Chemistry
- Chemistry for Biology and Health
- Functional Materials and Molecular Assemblies
- Sustainability and Digital Chemistry
Taster lectures
- Chemistry talk – find out more about studying Chemistry at the University of Leeds.
- Transition metal chemistry: controlling nanosized metallo-cages
- Atmospheric chemistry: A Journey from Earth to Deep Space
University-level resources
The University of Leeds also offers many useful resources to help you transition to higher education learning.