
Results 491 to 495 of 1197 in all schools

2nd IEEE conference logo

Best paper awarded at the 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Bioprocess uk conference attended by Holly Morgan, winner of the best poster award

Holly Morgan received the Best Poster award at the 16th annual bioProcessUK conference.

Researchers from the universities of Leeds, Vanderbilt and Turin wins the KUKA Innovation Award 2019.

A robotic device designed to reduce the pain and discomfort of colonoscopy has won a major innovation award.

Abeer link to leeds ambassador attended the shock soc's robot fighting league

ShockSoc's Robot Wars style event proved to one of the biggest and most exciting events of the year.

Alan Lavine, landfill, black friday

The retail bonanza set to begin today, Black Friday, is expected to see more than half of shoppers buying electronic goods and almost a third purchasing clothes.