New robotics facility taking shape
The new £4.3m EPSRC National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems has taken a giant step closer to its completion, one of the world’s largest multi material 3D printers arrived earlier this month.
Leeds welcome Fulbright Scholars
The University has announced that Wayne Seames, the University of North Dakota Chester Fritz Professor of Chemical Engineering, will spend a sabbatical year here as a 2014-15 Fulbright Distinguished C
University of Leeds joins EU human brain project
The University of Leeds has become a partner in the Human Brain Project (HBP), one of the biggest EU-funded initiatives to date
Leeds students to begin creating Tour De France countdown clock
Students from the School of Mechanical Engineering are to begin the creation of a clock that will help Leeds count down to hosting the start of this year’s Tour de France.
School students learn about medical and biological engineering
Seven staff and PhD students from the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering spent four days interacting with school students and the general public at The Big Bang Fair in Birmingham.