
Results 436 to 440 of 1117 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

The Leeds Autonomous Service Robots team with their robot.

A team from the School of Computing has taken home a prize at the inaugural Smart Cities Robotics Challenges (SciRoc) in Milton Keynes.

A food scientist conducts a research experiment

A prestigious fellowship will support five University of Leeds researchers addressing global challenges.  

Impact is at the heart of our mathematics research

An undergraduate student from the School of Mathematics has won a prize at a prestigious competition abroad.

Engineering students summer placement japan

Engineering students, welcomed by distinguished alumnus Dr Shuhei Toyoda, spent their summer working alongside employees at the Toyota Boshoku Corporation in Japan.


Astronomers have discovered a rare molecule in the dust and gas disc around a young star – and it may provide an answer to one of the conundrums facing astronomers.