New Designers exhibition 2013
Product Design students enjoyed their best ever design exhibition in London this week.
Computing article selected as one of world's best
An article coauthored by Dr Olaf Beyersdorff from the Algorithms and Complexity Group, School of Computing has been selected by ACM Computing Reviews.
Medical Engineers attend the Cheltenham Science Festival
Fourteen staff and PhD students from the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (iMBE) spent six days at The Times 2013 Cheltenham Science Festival earlier this month.
Clock ticks down to Tour de France start
The final countdown to the Tour de France is truly under way in Leeds after the unveiling of the official countdown clock, which was crafted by students from across the Faculty of Engineering.
PhD students' to help produce ‘Graphic Novel’ on Low Carbon Technologies
The Doctoral Training Centre in Low Carbon Technologies has received funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering for an outreach project involving all of its PhD students.