Computing spin-out company wins fastest growing business award
School of Computing spin-out company Tracsis have won the 2014 Santander/Smarta "Breakthrough 50" award, for the fastest growing/most inspiring business in the UK.
Mechanical Engineering ranked top 5 in all major UK league tables
Mechanical Engineering at Leeds is ranked in the top 5 of all of the major UK league tables, following the latest release of the 2015 Guardian league table and the Complete University Guide.
Excellent results for Engineering in the latest university league tables
The Faculty of Engineering has scored highly in the 2015 release of the Guardian university league tables and Complete University Guide.
Teaching Fellow teams up with M&S for new online course in business innovation
World class innovation by leading retailer Marks & Spencer will be featured in a new free online course, one of two new MOOC's (Massive Open Online Course) launched by the University of Leeds.
University’s robotics research showcased in London
The University of Leeds is joining forces with Universities UK in June to celebrate how research is improving lives, focusing on the extraordinary contribution that robots are making to society.