
Results 711 to 715 of 1117 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Anne Neville, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, Honorary Degree, Heriot-Watt

Professor Anne Neville, RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies at the University of Leeds, was awarded a Doctorate of Engineering.

A photographic portrait of Cliff Jones.

Cliff Jones, of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds, has been awarded one of the Institute of Physics' (IoP) gold medals for 2017.

A robot from the University of Leeds won this prize based on the technology developed in the EU funded STRANDS project for mobile robots that are able to run for months in dynamic human environments.

pollutants in fossil fuel flames, Alan Williams, 2017 George Westinghouse Gold Medal

Professor Alan Williams has been awarded the 2017 George Westinghouse Gold Medal by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Great hall

The University of Leeds has achieved a Gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), the highest award possible.