
Results 651 to 655 of 1117 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

An academic in Leeds Institute for Data Analytics

The University of Leeds is set to become a partner of The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s prestigious national institute for data science.

Sanitation is a human right

Dr Dani Barrington and Dr Pete Culmer have co-authored a recent article that addresses the importance of sanitation as a human right and the psychological challenges of incontinence.

Neglected tropical diseases

Professor Barbara Evans will open the ISNTD Water conference 2017, hosted by The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Concrete Conference, Muhammed Basheer

The first international conference on cement and concrete technology will take place between 20 and 22 November in Oman.

professor barbara evans WASH

The International Water Association has awarded Professor Barbara Evans the IWA Development Award (Research) 2017, recognising her significant contributions to tackling global water challenges.