PHOTON16 Conference
The University of Leeds hosted the largest Optics and Photonics conference in the UK. PHOTON16 is the eighth in a series of biennial conferences that started in 2002.
Work Experience Week
The School recently hosted a Work Experience Week where 20 Year 12 students experienced what it is like to work in a research-intensive university.
Study reveals low density water structure in a cryoprotectant matrix
Scientists from the School of Physics and Astronomy have determined the impact of cryoprotectant molecules on water, and gained access to the structure of water at temperatures far below zero degrees.
International Women's Day in Physics
International Women’s Day recently took place across the world; a day to recognise women and their achievements in all fields.
Stoner Colloquium
Dr Paul Collier, Head of Beams at CERN was the School of Physics and Astronomy’s invited speaker to give a Stoner Colloquium.