Redmayne Bentley joins forces with the University of Leeds to create innovative asset allocation modelling tool
An innovative stochastic modelling tool, helping to make important asset allocation decisions, has been developed in a partnership between Redmayne Bentley and the University of Leeds.
RSC award for Leeds-led nuclear consortium
A Leeds-led partnership has received the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Industry-Academia Collaboration Award.
International Women in Engineering Day 2020
Join us in celebrating International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) on Tuesday 23 June by taking a look at the fantastic achievements of women across our Faculty.
Prestigious Margaret Steel scholarship awarded to three EPS students
The award, in memory of Dr Margaret Steel, is a generous £1000 prize awarded to female students who showed a particular aptitude for innovation and want to develop an idea.
Unlocking clues to the origins of the stars
An artificial intelligence system analysing data from the Gaia space telescope has identified more than 2,000 large protostars - and they could hold clues to the origins of the stars in the Milky Way.