
Results 696 to 700 of 1114 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Rebecca Stones

Rebecca Stones, PhD student in the School of Chemistry, won the prize for best poster presentation at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Dalton Division Northern Regional Meeting 2017.

Prize winners 2017

The 2017 Postgraduate Conference in the School of Chemistry took place on June 8 and 9.

Peptide stapling

A team from the School of Chemistry has developed a new method for peptide stapling.

Hiscox challenge

Leeds Data Science Society, led by LIDA PhD Student Lawrence Ning Lu and formed by a team of multidisciplinary students from The University of Leeds, won the Hiscox University Data Challenge!

The entrance to the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds

Mathematics at Leeds has moved up in the Guardian university league tables 2018, rising 3 places to 15th.