
Results 311 to 315 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

international women in engineering day 2020

Join us in celebrating International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) on Wednesday 23 June by taking a look at the fantastic achievements of women across our Faculty.

Before and after image of improved microscopy

Scientists have developed a new computational technique that allows them to see in finer detail the way protein molecules behave.

The Great Hall at the University of Leeds

The award, in memory of Dr Margaret Steel, is a generous £1000 prize awarded to female students who showed a particular aptitude for innovation and want to develop an idea.

Imaging nanoparticles

New technology that can monitor nanoparticles in real-time could accelerate the production of advanced consumer products, including drugs that are key to improving the health of a growing population.

Plastic waste pile

Scientists are sharing groundbreaking research with leaders in the Asia-Pacific region in an effort to stem the flow of plastic pollution into the environment.