
Results 26 to 30 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Postgraduate researcher using equipment

One of the UK’s leading university guides has named the University of Leeds as the best place to study electrical and electronic engineering.

EDI hub 1200x600

A new initiative has been launched to bolster inclusivity within the UK’s engineering, physical, and mathematical sciences (EPMS) sectors.

3d illustration of a protein binding to carbohydrate chain

Scientists have found a way to create artificial sugars that could lead to better ways to diagnose and treat diseases more accurately than ever before, according to a new study co-led by Leeds.

High Speed Rail

The University of Leeds is at forefront of a pioneering £11 million railway energy project – the first initiative of its kind in Europe, and possibly the world.

Polar Aurora taken from the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (Finland)

Recent discoveries of extreme ancient solar storms have the potential to revolutionise radiocarbon dating techniques and better understand the Earth's system.