
Results 156 to 160 of 1120 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

A child playing with a model made up of balls and sticks

The Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences is excited to showcase 11 activities at Be Curious, the University of Leeds’ annual family open day, on 13 May.

Harry Laurent receiving a certficate for his Don McKenzie Paul Prize for 2023.

The prestigious Don McKenzie Paul Thesis Prize 2023 has been awarded to the University of Leeds’ Dr Harrison Laurent for his ground-breaking research on aqueous solutions.

A person pointing at technical equipment in front of several school children

Schoolchildren from across the country have had the chance to work on state-of-the-art nanotechnology, thanks to a workshop programme at the University of Leeds.

A child playing with an electric toy car at the University of Leeds.

Be Curious, the annual University of Leeds family open day, is back for 2023.

A device capable of mode locking terahertz lasers

Scientists at the University of Leeds have collaborated with leading institutions across Europe to unlock the potential of under-exploited radiation in an untapped area of physics.