
Results 541 to 545 of 1114 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Smart ledger technology

A report co-authored by David McKee, has found that the use of ‘smart ledger’ technology could support the take-up of collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes.

Civil engineering architecture students

Students are very satisfied with the quality of education they receive in engineering and computing at Leeds as told by the latest NSS scores.

Technology for incontinence hasn't developed much since ancient Egyptian times

Dr Peter Culmer from the School of Mechanical Engineering, addresses the almost unchanged history of incontinence technology and the growing recognition for research in this area.

Civil engineering's Pride entry

To promote LGBT+ visibility among in the construction sector, Civil Engineering will be taking part in Leeds Pride this year.

Professor Cath Noakes

In recognition of her contributions to indoor air research, Professor Cath Noakes has been conferred as a Fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.