Leeds Research Fellow awarded prestigious Heinz-Mittelmeier award

Dr Saurabh Lal, Research Fellow here at Leeds has received the Heinz-Mittelmeier Research Award.
Dr Lal won the award for his work on ‘Novel Systematic Methodologies for Isolation, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Ceramic and Metal Wear Particles’ alongside colleagues from the School of Mechanical Engineering. The findings of Dr Lal’s research are important to better understand the immunological response to wear particles in the clinical context.
The award was presented during a large, jointly-sponsored congress in Berlin with over 11,000 attendees by the German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (DGOOC), the German Association for Trauma Surgery (DGU) and the Professional Association of Orthopaedists and Trauma Surgeons (BVOU).
The award is presented to doctors, engineers and scientists age 45 and under for their outstanding research and development work in the field of bioceramics and the problem of wear in joint replacements and in combination with clinical results of ceramic implants.
Dr Lal said: “I am extremely honoured to receive such an important research award in the field of bioceramics and their applications in arthroplasty.”
This award recognises the importance of Dr Lal’s work developing highly sensitive and systematic methodologies for evaluating the biological impact of the latest generation joint replacement devices. He plans to continue his research using next generation technologies for improving the safety and longevity of future orthopaedic medical devices.
About Dr Saurabh Lal
Dr Saurabh Lal is a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds. He is experienced in the development and evaluation of orthopaedic reconstruction devices, with expertise in areas such as biocompatibility testing of orthopaedic implants, biotribology, nanomaterial characterization and standards development. He has a PhD in Bioengineering from Durham University, UK and a BTech in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. Prior to his PhD, he worked in the Tissue Engineering Labs, Harvard Medical School, USA.
At the University of Leeds, Dr Lal has been working across the Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering on two EU consortiums (LifeLongJoints and BioRIMA) on biomedical technology.
Recently, Dr Lal travelled to the USA as one of the British Orthopaedic Research Society International Travelling Fellows and collaborated with some of the leading musculoskeletal research centres. He has also been endorsed by the Royal Academy of Engineering in April 2018 for exceptional promise in the field of Biomedical Engineering.
Further information
The German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (DGOOC) presents the EUR 5,000 Heinz-Mittelmeier Research Award in collaboration with CeramTec GmbH each year. The 2018 Heinz-Mittelmeier Research Award was given at the DKOU2018 conference in Berlin, which is the largest orthopaedic and trauma conference in Europe.
© Intercongress 2018