
Results 226 to 230 of 1107 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

n embroidery hoop with six different SAWs embroidered in back thread and labelled 1–6. Credit: the SAWstitch was created by Naomi McMorn and is published with her permission.

A self-avoiding walk (SAW) is a sequence of moves on a grid that does not visit the same point more than once.

piles of bags

Fellowship to investigate the production of low-carbon, high-grade biomethane from food waste for use as a vehicle fuel.

lorna pic

Professor Lorna Dougan has been honoured for her work in developing creative public engagement resources

Professor Helen Gleeson

A School of Physics professor who discovered materials which could make real life holograms a possibility has been awarded a £1.6m research Fellowship to delve deeper into how they work.

The Royce Deposition System - a multi-chamber, multi-technique thin film deposition tool

Over a third of research activity submitted by the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences to REF 2021 was rated as “world-leading” and over 96% rated as “internationally excellent.”