
Results 841 to 845 of 1114 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences


The Faculty of Engineering welcomes 19 new academic fellows into research roles across a broad range of research areas.

Robotics at Leeds

Robots rarely get a good press. They’re either turning rogue, trying to control the human race as in The Matrix, or wreaking a path of destruction to kill the hero in Will Smith’s I, Robot.

Pete Culmer

Technologies that could offer a step change in treatment or management of incontinence were the focus of the latest symposium run by the IMPRESS network.

Inorganic students and staff from the School of Chemistry attended the RSC Northern Regional Dalton Meeting on 30th June 2016, which was held in Hull.

University of Leeds Great Hall

Professor Isobel Pollock a visiting professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering appears in the Daily Telegraph's 'Top 50 Influential Women in Engineering List 2016'.